
My career in anxiety started early.  I was always a worrier, even as a little girl.  I remember being in my head a lot, and finding decisions difficult.

What showed up as a lack of confidence throughout my childhood and teenage years, followed me into adulthood, when I found myself working in sales.  

With the expectations of a target-driven job, I found anxiety taking over my life, my work, my relationships... I started to have panic attacks at work, which spilt over into my life in general.

My worry about panicking only served to make it worse, and as I entered my 30s, my anxiety developed into a deep depression.  I had fertility issues and a broken relationship, I lost the job I loved, and life really didn't seem worth living.

I stopped leaving the house, and wanted nothing more than to curl up and hide from the world.

My world was getting smaller and smaller, because I felt like that was how I could control it.  I didn't want to feel the panic and the worry - I just wanted the noise in my head to stop.

I'd tried everything to feel better - all the counselling methods and alternative treatments - and nothing had worked. Then, in 2018, I was introduced to an understanding that kept me intrigued enough that I finally dove right in and made learning about it my priority.  As I write this, ten months later, I am free.

Free of the anxiety
Free of the panic
Free of needing to control my life
I found myself leaving the house, applying for jobs, going for interviews.

I found myself getting a new job, new friends, a new relationship - all the things I thought I needed in order to be ok, came to me when I saw that I was already ok.

Because you see, when you move towards health, when you start from peace of mind, different things happen in your life because you see life differently.

As a coach, I bring experience of knowing where you are - the circumstances that have brought you here may be different, but the physical symptoms of worry, anxiety, panic attacks are familiar territory.  

And I'm not going to just help you cope.  

I'm going to show you freedom.  

 "I am so glad that Laura was my coach. I gained a lot from our sessions and I truly appreciate her time and insights into this understanding. This is a journey that has just begun for me and I am so thankful to have had her help and guidance. My life has opened up since then. I would be happy to recommend Laura to anyone that wants private mentoring." 

Valory Bennett

 "I would have no hesitation in recommending you to someone who needs support and guidance with stress and anxiety.
You are very friendly and I felt you listened carefully to what I was saying. You empathised with my experience of anxiety and I felt you understood too. I benefited from our sessions and enjoyed speaking with you."

Allison Cooper

 "I really enjoyed working with Laura. She has a nice, easy manner... I always came away being a little more aware of when I wasn't so much 'at home'.

I even started being able to 'quieten the mind' something that had eluded me until now - this one is a game-changer by the way." 

Valerie O'Connor